Do You Need To Track People Who Go Online To Your Website From Offline Advertising Sources (like Billboards, Radio, Tv, or Print Ads)?

How Much Are These Advertising Sources Costing You?
Are They Profitable?
Are You Sure? How Do You Know?
Measuring the success of your offline advertising sources: tracking buyers who go to your website for more information and to make a purchase decision
Do you have advertising budgets focused on offline advertising sources such as billboards, magazine, print or yellow pages etc?
Well…Have you made a correlation between buyers who have used those offline advertising mediums, but then needed more information and went online to your website listed on those offline advertising mediums? Before you credit or discredit the effectiveness of your offline advertising mediums you need the entire story.
Do you need to track traffic to your website from offline (or online) media?
Or…Do you need to track referring sites to your website(s) without having Google Analytics login or CPanel access? And…Do you need transparency, no confusion, no involvement or sophistication? Basically, do you just need a Simple way to track without building, creating or fuss…..?
Who is this for?—-> this is for anyone who is paying for advertising/traffic or trying to gain traffic. If you’re trying to sell something and get a return etc.
This EASY SOLUTION is for those business owners or marketing consultants who need to track and manage their advertising budgets for Offline-(non- internet) advertising. If you’re spending Money on print or yellow page, coupon, magazine, Billboard, email, direct mail, even radio or TV advertising, this this is for you.
What is this and Why do You Need It?
Then, we have the solution for you!
Now, you can track visitors and traffic from offline media, such as traditional print media, radio media, television media, magazines, yellow pages, coupon books, fliers and any print media to your website. Why would you want to do this, you say? Because if you’re spending a significant portion in traditional media (Non- internet or website based media) because there is still some value there for your business, but you question when to cut the cord or you want to “ride it till it dies”, then we have the solution for you, we call it domain forwarding tracking.
Why do I need to track the traffic from a forwarded domain to my “real” destination URL?
A) Do you have an advertising bill and your wondering if its worth it?
B) Have you considered that the definition of Return-On-Investment (ROI) equals (=) Leads from Calls + Leads from URL visits to your website listed in this advertising medium (offline)?
Simply put, now you can track both referring sites traffic & offline (Ie: yellow pages advertising, print advertising) advertising in which you want to see both the Call tracking results & the website visits that your print advertising is bringing you. For example, print advertising ROI = Leads from Calls that the prospect took + Leads from a url that the prospect typed in to find out more about you or to make a purchase decision.
OK, Here is a Case Study Example for you: “To Renew or Not to Renew, That is the Question!”
So…… If you have more traffic to the URL in the print ad than to the phone number in the ad, what does that say? It says that at very least the prospect wants more information about you, your products and services in order to make an educated buying decision. It paints a different story, and whether or not you would renew the ad is not the point. The point is that you understand how the user, or prospect uses Offline Media (in this case), in order for you to maximize your conversion and Sales. Without this information, you may have just cut or downsized the yellow page ad without having all of the facts. Our Goal is for you to make an informed decision, whatever that decision may be. The Reality is………that you, the business owner, are busy trying to run a business, not just your marketing, and most likely, you are making financial decisions about ALL of your advertising with little to no transparency. We want to fix that for you! We want to give you the facts that you need to make an informed decision in seconds without wading through a billion confusing reports. Let’s keep it simple, shall we? As a side note, we do offer Yellow Page & Print & Internet Consulting to help you ask the right questions about your marketing so that you can maximize your productivity & your profitability, click here for more info or call us to discuss your situation at (805) 910-7066
Can I count traffic and visitors from a forwarded domain to my real domain? YES! now you can with us, we can have it setup in 5 minutes & we don’t need any logins, CPanel Access, Landing pages created, Google analytic logins or literally ANYTHING ELSE FROM YOU!
How do you do it?
(1) We buy a domain for you (or use yours)
(2) We point the DNA A record to our IP Address And Voila! We’re Done,
after DNS propigates in 5-15 minutes (or less depending on the domain registrar’s server activity level at the time we do it), DNS propigates and you can literally have it setup in as little as 2 minutes!
Why Don’t I Use PURL Marketing with a custom destination landing page created just for each recipient of your direct mail or email marketing campaign?
A) Because you don’t have the time, resources, sophistication, skill set nor money to spend this much energy on a custom destination landing page for EACH and everyone of your customers. Besides didnt you just drop a couple thousand on your website this year updating it anyway? Why are you going through that again? All you really want to do is to know how much to spend in offline media such as print, yellow pages, magazines or coupons…..AND… probably already have your internet strategy, don’t you?
B) Simplicity. All you really want to know is did a prospect from an offline advertsing source go to my website for more information or to buy from me?
What is the Best way to track traffic through a forwarding/redirecting domain? Answer: Our Domain Forwarding Tracking URL!
How can I monitor traffic from domain forwarding without using Google Analytics or needing Cpanel access of the destination URL? You can’t unless you use our service. Most web guys will say, “just setup a sub-domain off of your main domain, like “” OR my personal favorite….”Just login to Google Analytics to get the number of visitors”. Rhetorical Question: How much time do you ACTUALLY spend logging into Google Analytics? When was the last time you logged in? (I’m just asking……..) If you absolutely want to go the Google Analytics way, here is a simple easy to read guide and well thought out points and how to’s about Google Analytics as well as website tracking. When you’re ready to talk website tracking, were here to help! (805) 910-7066
First, that looks crappy to the user, Also, users DON’T LIKE TO type in long URL’s, they rather click on them and since they can’t click a url in an offline advertising print medium etc, they need to type it in a browser. So why not make it easier for them?
Secondly, now you have to Login to Google Analytics, then scroll down and find it (Question: How Good are your Google Analytics Skills? Answer: Don’t worry, we don’t make you learn a new program just to get the results of your ad campaign.)
Thirdly, now if you forget to login to your Google Analytics acct, you need to pay a web guy to do it and that costs more than we charge for the entire year! “What are ya’ doin? Don’t do that!” 🙂 We just send you your results and soon we’ll have a 24/7 login for you to access them anytime you want!
Fourthly, Have you ever noticed that Google Analytics data is NOT accurate!?? So now, if you go that route, you’ll be reduced to an “educated guess” on whether to renew your advertising or not.
We track at the server level, the CPanel level. This is a more exact science with unparallelled accuracy!
What does your reporting look like? We tell you: Total Traffic Per Month, Unique Traffic Per Month, IP address of each Visit, City Name of each Visitor, Ad Source You’re tracking in an easy to read report or CSV file.
How much does it cost? $5 per month
Is there a contract? No
Do I get to keep my domain after I’m done? Yes, you can pay us the $13.17 that it cost us and its yours, we will transfer it wherever you want it.